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Date Formating

Date Formatting Tokens#

The Formatter is not case-sensitive and accepts either lower-case or upper-case characters. Both dd and DD, will work perfectly fine.

dDay of the month, 1 digit without leading zeros5
ddDay of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros05
dddA sort textual representation of a dayMon
ddddA full textual representation of a dayMonday
mNumeric representation of a month, without leading zeros1
mmNumeric representation of a month, with leading zero01
mmmA short textual representation of a monthJan
mmmmA full textual representation of a monthJanuary
yyA two digit representation of a year92
yyyyA full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits1992

Separator Tokens#

(U+0020) Spacedd mm yy
(U+002C) + (U+0020) , Comma + Spacedddd, dd, mm, yy